GCC Code Coverage Report

Directory: ../
File: src/symboltablebuilder/Type.h
Date: 2025-02-09 04:23:07
Exec Total Coverage
Lines: 0 0 -%
Functions: 0 0 -%
Branches: 0 0 -%

Line Branch Exec Source
1 // Copyright (c) 2021-2025 ChilliBits. All rights reserved.
3 #pragma once
5 #include <string>
6 #include <utility>
7 #include <vector>
9 #include <symboltablebuilder/QualType.h>
10 #include <symboltablebuilder/TypeChain.h>
12 // LLVM forward declarations
13 namespace llvm {
14 class Type;
15 } // namespace llvm
17 namespace spice::compiler {
19 // Forward declarations
20 class SymbolTable;
21 class ASTNode;
22 class Scope;
23 class GenericType;
24 class Struct;
25 class Interface;
27 class Type {
28 public:
29 // Constructors
30 explicit Type(SuperType superType);
31 Type(SuperType superType, const std::string &subType);
32 Type(SuperType superType, const std::string &subType, uint64_t typeId, const TypeChainElementData &data,
33 const QualTypeList &templateTypes);
34 explicit Type(TypeChain typeChain);
36 // Getters and setters on type parts
37 [[nodiscard]] SuperType getSuperType() const;
38 [[nodiscard]] const std::string &getSubType() const;
39 [[nodiscard]] unsigned int getArraySize() const;
40 [[nodiscard]] Scope *getBodyScope() const;
41 [[nodiscard]] const QualType &getFunctionReturnType() const;
42 [[nodiscard]] QualTypeList getFunctionParamTypes() const;
43 [[nodiscard]] const QualTypeList &getFunctionParamAndReturnTypes() const;
44 [[nodiscard]] bool hasLambdaCaptures() const;
45 [[nodiscard]] const QualTypeList &getTemplateTypes() const;
47 // Queries on the type
48 [[nodiscard]] bool is(SuperType superType) const;
49 [[nodiscard]] bool isOneOf(const std::initializer_list<SuperType> &superTypes) const;
50 [[nodiscard]] bool isBase(SuperType superType) const;
51 [[nodiscard]] bool isPrimitive() const;
52 [[nodiscard]] bool isExtendedPrimitive() const;
53 [[nodiscard]] bool isPtr() const;
54 [[nodiscard]] bool isRef() const;
55 [[nodiscard]] bool isArray() const;
56 [[nodiscard]] bool hasAnyGenericParts() const;
58 // Complex queries on the type
59 [[nodiscard]] bool isSameContainerTypeAs(const Type *other) const;
60 [[nodiscard]] bool matches(const Type *otherType, bool ignoreArraySize) const;
62 // Serialization
63 void getName(std::stringstream &name, bool withSize) const;
64 [[nodiscard]] std::string getName(bool withSize) const;
66 // Get new type, based on this one
67 [[nodiscard]] const Type *toPtr(const ASTNode *node) const;
68 [[nodiscard]] const Type *toRef(const ASTNode *node) const;
69 [[nodiscard]] const Type *toArr(const ASTNode *node, unsigned int size, bool skipDynCheck) const;
70 [[nodiscard]] const Type *getContained() const;
71 [[nodiscard]] const Type *replaceBase(const Type *newBaseType) const;
72 [[nodiscard]] const Type *removeReferenceWrapper() const;
73 [[nodiscard]] const Type *getBase() const;
74 [[nodiscard]] const Type *getWithLambdaCaptures(bool enabled) const;
75 [[nodiscard]] const Type *getWithBodyScope(Scope *bodyScope) const;
76 [[nodiscard]] const Type *getWithTemplateTypes(const QualTypeList &templateTypes) const;
77 [[nodiscard]] const Type *getWithBaseTemplateTypes(const QualTypeList &templateTypes) const;
78 [[nodiscard]] const Type *getWithFunctionParamAndReturnTypes(const QualTypeList &paramAndReturnTypes) const;
80 // LLVM helpers
81 [[nodiscard]] llvm::Type *toLLVMType(SourceFile *sourceFile) const;
83 // Public static methods
84 static void unwrapBoth(const Type *&typeA, const Type *&typeB);
85 static bool hasSameTypeChainDepth(const Type *typeA, const Type *typeB);
87 // Public members
88 TypeChain typeChain;
89 };
91 // Make sure we have no unexpected increases in memory consumption
92 static_assert(sizeof(Type) == 24);
94 } // namespace spice::compiler