GCC Code Coverage Report

Directory: ../
File: src/symboltablebuilder/Lifecycle.h
Date: 2025-02-09 04:23:07
Exec Total Coverage
Lines: 0 0 -%
Functions: 0 0 -%
Branches: 0 0 -%

Line Branch Exec Source
1 // Copyright (c) 2021-2025 ChilliBits. All rights reserved.
3 #pragma once
5 #include <cstdint>
6 #include <vector>
8 namespace spice::compiler {
10 // Forward declarations
11 class ASTNode;
13 enum LifecycleState : uint8_t {
14 DEAD, // The symbol is not alive yet (e.g. not declared yet)
15 DECLARED, // The symbol is declared but hasn't got a value yet (in debug mode declaration comes with default initialization)
16 INITIALIZED, // The symbol is initialized with a value
17 MOVED, // The symbol was moved away (can still be accessed, but does not own its memory anymore)
18 };
20 /**
21 * A lifecycle event represents one change of a symbol in time.
22 * It keeps track of the state of the symbol at that point of time and the event issuer AST node.
23 */
24 struct LifecycleEvent {
25 LifecycleState state;
26 const ASTNode *issuer;
27 };
29 /**
30 * A lifecycle represents a collection of timely events that occur for a symbol.
31 *
32 * Usually a lifecycle looks e.g. like this:
33 * f<int
34 */
35 class Lifecycle {
36 public:
37 // Public methods
38 void addEvent(const LifecycleEvent &event);
39 [[nodiscard]] LifecycleState getCurrentState() const;
40 [[nodiscard]] const char *getCurrentStateName() const;
41 [[nodiscard]] [[maybe_unused]] bool isDead() const;
42 [[nodiscard]] [[maybe_unused]] bool isDeclared() const;
43 [[nodiscard]] bool isInitialized() const;
44 [[nodiscard]] bool wasMoved() const;
45 [[nodiscard]] bool isInOwningState() const;
47 private:
48 // Private members
49 std::vector<LifecycleEvent> events;
50 };
52 } // namespace spice::compiler